Monday, December 1, 2008

Birth Rape

I was sitting here thinking, I haven't been keeping up on my posts very well. Whoop, My bad. So what do I post now? Last weeks readings on violence really stuck with, so I decided that I'm going to do my final paper on that. And then I thought, all of these children being born, how many of them are the result of a rape? So I googled "Violence and Pregnancy" and I found this link that said birth rape. It caught my eye. I began to read. It didn't really tell me what birth rape is, but it had another link that I clicked on. This ... shocked me. I know a women who has had what they consider a "birth rape" The doctor was careless and broke her water too early, unfortunately she lost the baby.

I don't know about you, but this disgusts me. How can anyone be that careless, stupid, or just plain an ass hole when dealing with a precious life?

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