Monday, December 1, 2008

Raising a baby as a Teenager

I know my mom did it. She was strong. To be honest, I used to think about it. Until about a year and a half ago my only ambition in life was to marry my boyfriend and have his kids. I didn't want to go to college, I was going to have a job of course.

But then him and I broke up, and I re-though my entire life. Me? LOREN? Get married, and have kids? NO WAY! I mean yeah, I work at a daycare, but I'm only with 4-12 year olds, 8 hours a day. Not all day, everyday, not from the time they are infants until they are 18.

And this link I found on raising a kid when you are a teen, and NOT ready, it scared me. I am SO glad him and I broke up, and I had a chance to change my mind before it was too late.

1 comment:

Maria said...

I think a lot of girls make the mistake of having kids too young...either because they want to or just making the mistake of not being safe. It sucks to think of girls that have so much potential and throw it away because they have to stay at home with the kids. That's really awesome that your mom could do it. I know I don't think I could. I know a lot of girls at my school who had to drop out because they got pregnant. It's really hard to explain how I feel when I see a girl I knew in third grade with pictures of her one year old on's just weird and extremely saddening.