Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Having "the talk"

Like I've said before I didn't have a "birds and bees" talk with my parents. And honestly I wish I had talked to my mom about it before she found out. It makes me wonder, Did my mom think I was all innocent and would never do it? Or did she just not want to admit it to herself? I was 16 when my mom found out that I was sexually active. I had never talked to her. I mean I heard her tell my older sister that she was disappointed in her for having sex before she was married, so I didn't want to tell her. But then I was thinking about it. You didn't talk to us. How are we supposed to know. So I started researching, when are you supposed to talk to your kids about sex? Is it really that hard to talk about it. I found this link, with 10 tips on talking to you kids about sex. I thought it was interesting.



Rachel said...

That's very interesting. I actually never really got the sex talk either. I was raised in a home though where I KNEW that sex after marriage was upheld. I have gone to church my entire life and so that kind of acted as the middle man of teaching me of the "rights" and "wrongs" of relations between a man and woman/boy and girl. I did, however, have a how-mom-gets-pregnant talk with my dad (random) when I was about 6 years old. Lol. But, back to the sex talk subject. I really don't think, had my parents actually talked to me about sex and all that, it would've stopped me. I was rebellious and was doing everything that they told me not to do. So, who knows, maybe the talk would've made it all worse anyways....

Emily said...

I was lucky enough to get the sex talk from my mother when I was 12. It was kind of awkward, but she was very calm and detailed. She explained what she expected of me and about what she did in the situations she faced. Then she told me that whatever I chose to do she would support me, even if the choices I made were "disappointing" to her. I'm really grateful to her and I think it's unfortunate that many girls (and boys) don't have those discussions with their parents.

Katie Minard said...

I never really had the talk with my parents either. I was not expected to wait for marriage, nor was I expected to 'go out there and do it'. It was just one of those things they let me figure out for myself. I guess my parents just assumed I knew what sex was, so why have an awkward discussion with me?

Celestial Goddess said...

My parents never had "the talk" with me, but not only that they never talked to me about anything. I never asked questions about anything personal. My best friends mom helped me out in a lot of areas, but I will always with that it was my mom instead. I watch my little sister grow up and watch the same thing happen, so I try to at least talk to her a little bit. The only way I knew my mom knew I was sexually active was this summer she casually said "I hope you're using more than just birth control. And that was the end of that discussion. And just to add to it, I had been on it for 9 months already. I hope that my kids talk with me when I have them.