Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is Abstinence based the best way?

I honestly don't think Abstinence based sex ed is really helpful. It's telling people that they shouldn't have sex until you're married. But teenagers are curious. They are going to be in pressured situations, and they are going to want to try out their feelings. I guess abstinence based sex ed is better than no sex ed at all, but I don't understand why adults are teaching us that we should wait instead of facing the fact that a lot of teenagers are sexually active.

This link states that 3 in 10 teenagers ages 13-16 are sexually active.


So if 3 in 10, 13-16 year olds are sexually active, why not just teach them how to be safe about it?


Rachel said...

Like I said in another post to your blog about the teen pregnancy thing. Teens are not going to listen to abstinence programs. More and more teens are sexually active today and more are getting pregnant. When an immature adolescent is told not to do a certain act the usual way for them to respond is to go out and do it. Defying authority, what is "right", etc. is the epitome of teenagers. I thought "it will never happen to me" and just thought I was immune to getting pregnant. However, it was a huge shock and a loud wake up call for me. Sex Education needs to help teens and teach them what can happen and how it can happen. Ways of prevention, protection, and help need to be taught to give students a less harsh of a feel when it comes to being educated on sex.

Emily said...

I would have to agree. While I do think it is a nice concept to wait until you're in love enough to marry, I'm not judgmental enough to say that everyone needs to wait. These programs are unrealistic at best. Unfortunately many of them are trying to adhere to religious beliefs while still trying to keep children safe. They haven't come to terms with the idea of educating people without encouraging them to go against their (the religions) beliefs. It's a balancing act, and I think they know they are failing.

Queer Youth Family Resource Center said...

Abstinence-only education isn't a good way to go because of the "only" part. I am all for comprehensive sexual education that teaches EVERYTHING about sex, abstinence, diseases, contraceptives, birth control, EVERYTHING. People need to know their options, and if they know their options they'll make smarter decisions. If we all make smarter decisions, there'll not only be fewer unwanted pregnancies, but also smarter pregnancies. We'll have babies with the people we want to have babies with, at the age we want to have them at, with the resources we need. That's not to say unplanned pregnancies won't happen - they always will - but their will be less and the babies that are born will grow up in an all-around smarter society.